iShares Canada Portfolios
When iShares holdings are chosen for you by your Portfolio Manager, your portfolio will be made up of the following ETF holdings according to the risk level that is determined to be the best for you.
If your circumstances require three or more funds, the information below is still very much relevant. You will own the individual component funds in similar allocations to the one-fund and two-fund solution.
We have omitted 10%, 30% and 90% equity portfolios from the list above but can provide these options if needed.
0% Equity - This is a one fund solution consisting of the iShares Core Canadian Bond ETF
20% Equity - This is a one fund solution consisting of the iShares Core Income Balanced ETF
40% Equity - This is a one fund solution consisting of the iShares Core Conservative Balanced ETF
50% Equity - This is a two fund solution consisting of 50% iShares All Equity ETF and 50% iShares Canadian Universe Bond ETF
60% Equity - This is a one fund solution consisting of the iShares Core Balanced ETF
70% Equity - This is a two fund solution consisting of 70% iShares All Equity ETF and 30% iShares Canadian Universe Bond ETF
80% Equity - This is a one fund solution consisting of the iShares Core Growth ETF
100% Equity - This is a one fund solution consisting of the iShares All Equity ETF
A word about bond (fixed income) funds: some of these funds can be expensive due to adverse tax treatment. If you have non-registered accounts, we may substitute more tax-efficient bond funds for the iShares bond funds listed below.
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